Thursday, 21 July 2011

3 Month Food Storage Supply

3 Month Storage Supply:
We have been using our 3 month storage supply of food in order to limit trips to the grocery store in the intense heat.  We have stored essential items such as flour, jams, canned goods, baking goods along with frozen meats.  We will make a quick trip to the store for fresh fruits if required.
This 3 month storage supply will be replenished once the weather stabilizes and/or cools down, we hope!

Implementing a 3 month Food Supply sounds financially draining.  It doesn't have to be.  We started off by saving $5.00 every week and buying the things that we felt were most important.  Among the first items that we stocked up on we chose Peanut Butter, Oatmeal and Powdered Milk.  In our home, these were the items that everyone enjoyed, were healthy choices and filled a hungry belly.

I used to wonder, why someone would want to have a 3 month storage supply.  After having read many books about independence and self sustaining, keep in mind that this supply is not only for you and your family, it is also for your neighbours who could enter a crisis.

Seldom are we ever able to determine when our lives could enter a fragile situation; whether it is a job loss, illness, Mother Nature's Wrath, or a failure from our own utility companies.  We find comfort in knowing that we have nutritious food tucked away for a "rainy day" or two...perhaps 3 or more.

Among our food storage, we have acquired a wide range of fruits, vegetables, beans and lentils, nuts, canned fish, grains, baking supplies (including powdered milk) and vinegar - most importantly, we have stocked drinking water.
***We have chosen foods in our storage that we would normally eat on a regular basis.  In order to rotate and keep our storage fresh and current, we go to our storage, take the item, then replace it by buying it from the grocery list.  The newly purchased item is then stocked behind the row of the same food and we keep on going.

Easy Peasy???

Well, it can be confusing.  I have a running spreadsheet that keeps track of what we use and what we need.  This sounds challenging, but trust me, a few minutes a day will save a lot of time in the end  instead of having to sort through your food storage if you don't keep track.

At the end of the day ( a stifling hot day for us), you will be feeling secure and comforted knowing that you are prepared to adequately feed your family during challenging times.
In our world, what we are doing is self sustaining and it is priceless to us.

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