Friday, 20 April 2012

Reducing Paper Products in Your Home

It never ceases to amaze me as to how much people are willing to pay for things like Paper Towel, Toilet Paper, Tissues, Napkins, Plates and Cups...

Interestingly enough, Kleenex and Papertowels didn't even exist before the year 1925.  How did people cope with those runny noses and messy kitchen spills?  The answer is simple: Cloth.

It's easy to lose track of the fact that many major Companies are offering products that are almost impossible to resist - especially if "convenience" is going to make life easier.  These Companies claim to have a "hold" on civilization, trying to lure us into thinking that we would not be able to live without their products - they make a lot of money from this marketing concept.

It is interesting to note that upscale restaurants have linen tablecloths, linen napkins and warm towels in the restrooms.  Why does this feel luxurious to so many individuals when it should be a part of our daily routine at home?

In our home, we try to minimize the use of all paper products.  To us, paying for paper products is like throwing money into our trash bins.  We use cloth whenever we can - and feel like we never have to do without.  The best part?  We never feel that sense of "panic" because we have run out of paper products because cloth is easily washed, dried and ready to use!

Here are some examples:
Papertowels - We use 100% Cotton Terry Cloths
Paper Napkins -  We use Linen Napkins
Tissues/Kleenex - We use 100% cotton hankies/bandanas
Toilet Paper - Cloth Wipes
Paper Plates/Cups - We use Stoneware and Mason Jars

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