Monday, 16 January 2012

Always Eat Carefully

I published a blog months ago outlining a "3 Month Food Supply".  Everyone should have a "Reservoir" of Food set aside for 90 rainy days or so...

We have taken stock of our Food Inventory (spending $5.00 a week - for many weeks to achieve this goal).  Our current approximate Food Storage would now equal 2-3 months of sustainable food, should the unfortunate need arise).

Our Grandmother always baked Fresh Bread for us daily.  She had so many vegetables and preserves to offer that my Grandfather would often attempt to intervene by saying "Amelia, you are going to make them sick!" 

What he meant was that when she stuffed us so full of her fantastic good home cooking, he couldn't believe our tummies could handle another bite!  He was the Principal of the School and she was the Homemaker.  By goodness, she stepped up to the plate!

One time, while in my late teens, I asked my Grandmother how she was able to save money yet go on many luxurious vacations.  She told me to "always eat carefully".   She didn't elaborate, however those words resonate in my ears today.

In our Home, we praise all food. 

Every day is a surprise for my beloved Daughter Ava because the first thing she asks is "What are we having for Breakfast", then snack, then lunch, then afternoon snack, then dinner etc...Our mealtimes are our main source of entertainment.

I am pleased, because when I was a child, I was more concerned about what was happening inside our home as opposed to what actually took place beyond the front door!  Sheltered?  Yes I was, and this has shaped me as a person!

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