One of the Ten Commandments...
In decades past, neighbours were viewed as extended family members. Through hard times, families bonded together and shared what they could in order to survive those times. Strength in numbers...
Unfortunately, there are many people who have lived in their own neighbourhood for years yet barely know their neighbours except to say "Hello" or chat briefly about the weather.
Society has created such an unhealthy level of "Fear" that people are afraid to go beyond anything else other than their daily business. Yes, we need to be mindful that dangers exist, however, who would you go to if you had an emergency or needed help while you were at home? There are far more Guardian Angels out there than Dangerous Strangers. Does one "bad egg" ruin the entire dozen? Does one bad apple ruin the entire bushel? I should think not.
We all need our neighbours.
In order to survive and thrive, we feel that it is important to get to know them and be available to help out whenever we can regardless of the circumstances. This is the foundation for our bartering, sharing and trading system that helps us to survive. We support them and they support us. It is our valuable network of resources should our current times change.
We are none too familiar with the Blackout that occurred in North America on August 14, 2003. Many things came to a standstill. There were so many people who simply did not know what to do. Many were unprepared and were without access to fuel, money, groceries, internet, cable or hydro. Those who didn't know their neighbours sat quietly in the dark waiting for the lights to come on.
On the flip side, families and neighbours who knew each other threw BBQ parties and had a lot of fun.
I wish I had known my neighbours better on August 14, 2003, because at the time, I was one of those who sat in the dark...
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