Saturday 1 October 2011

Saturday Night Treat

After a heavy day of canning tomatoes, blanching and freezing carrots, baking homemade baked beans and starting the broth for my divine cabbage soup, I sat down to relax....until... I noticed a weather warning on my computer. 

It looks like Jack Frost himself is intending to visit tonight along with bringing some snow flurries.  I could hardly believe it!  We just officially started October and already we will have snow?   My daughter asked if Santa Claus was coming tonight and I told her that he had better get moving in order to finish all of the toys in time for Christmas.

Speaking of flurries, I soon found myself in one.  I immediately grabbed my flashlight and headed out to the garden with my plastic wrap and duct tape.  I had meant to make row covers for my plants tomorrow, it was on my "to do" list, really!  I spent a short amount of time covering my tender plants, especially the tomatoes, eggplants and peppers.

I came back inside and made a wonderful cup of hot tea to warm my cold hands.  I added 2 teaspoons of our favourite local organic honey.  All of a sudden, I craved more liquid gold and toasted some slices of fresh homemade bread and slathered them in butter and honey.  It was the perfect treat for a cold Saturday Night.

There is something to be said about melted creamy butter and honey on toast...Heavenly!

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